Sponsors and Supporters

Tsuru Island is truly grateful for donations from our wonderful sponsors these past couple years.
Island Sponsors:

For all our tools

What else, but the crane that helped move many of the heavier components of our island?
Check out the story by KATU News here.

Event Sponsors:


20 NW 2nd St; Gresham - 503 490 2381

www.doubletree 3.hilton.com
1000 NE Multnomah St; Portland

15861 SE Happy Valley Town Center Dr; Happy Valley - 503 558 9214
101 N Main Ave; Gresham - 503 512 7871
246 N Main Ave; Gresham; - 503 492 9534

19730 NE Sandy Blvd; Portland; - 1800 545 4966
308 N Main AveGresham ; 503 666 2002

More will be added here, as this list is quite incomplete. We appreciate your patience. Thank you!

And all our wonderful volunteers.
Here is a list of volunteers who have worked 10 or more hours between 2011 and June 2014. What a dedicated group - helping out in the cold, in the heat, in the rain, and sometimes on very short notice. THANKS to all of you.
Alex Nguyen
Anita Bieker
Barry Hilsabeck
Bev Carlon
Brandon Le
Brian Le
Cathy Harrington
Cathy Shikatani
Cody Mason
Dan Troglin
Debbie Peters
Debra Stuart
Dennis Chapple
Emi Kondo
Garrett Moore
Gary Busse
Grant Fujii
Hal White
Henry Sykes
Jacelyn Davis
Janet Lee
Jean Schultz
Jenny Wang
Jerry Sarver
Jessica Nguyen
Jim Buck
Jim Card
Jim Carr
Jim Chianello
Jordan Saechao
Karl Davis
Ken Erickson
Lia Valdez
Linda Guerber
Maider Thao
Mandy Andersen
Mary Anne Buck
Mary Dickson
Mary Jo Warr-King
Misuzu Sarver
Ngoc Tran Le
Norm Higginson
Olivia Linder 
Paul Warr-King
Pete Schmidt
Ron Ture
Skip Yotsuuye
Sterling Suddarth
Sylvia Takeuchi-Owens
Tad Tsuneyoshi
Tim Berry
Tim Crawley
Tomiko Takeuchi
Toni Busse
Toshi Tsuneyoshi
Wendy Coffin
Yo Kobayashi
Yoshiko Ture

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