Saturday, January 4, 2014

A New Year, A Cold and Bright Beginning

So much for my winter hibernation! Kame and I were quite rudely awakened by shovels on the wet soil and the sound of machinery at work.

Kame (The Turtle) rocks
Tsuru (The Crane) rocks - back center

Those humans were at it again today, digging holes and placing boulders into them. The adults each took a shovel and created some holes about the same size as the boulders, then discussed which ones were suitable for which hole. Those humans humans encountered some root problems in the process, which amused Kame and I to no end. Unfortunately for us, that didn't last long. The roots were cut off with strong hits from the shovels. Oh well.

They also planted some moss by the maple at the front, fern around their "stream" and dug a good sized hole for a pine. Kame scoffed when a human stood in place posing as the pine while an older human walked around examining her. There was a lot of work done even though it was chilly.
Rock sorting

Moss to be planted

View from the back of Tsuru Island